Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Thing # 23 WhooHoo I am Finished!!!

What were your favorite discoveries or exercises on this learning journey? I loved using flickr, comic strip generator, trade card maker,imagechef, and podcasts!!! They were so much fun to use and I am sure I will incorporate all of these in my classes!!
How has this program assisted or affected your lifelong learning goals? I have learned so much more on technology that I will take this with me in all my endeavours! I am very excited about using all these new concepts I have learned and I plan on teaching others how to use them as well!
Were there any take-a-ways or unexpected outcomes from this program that surprised you? I have viewed podcasts in the past and I did not realize or even know how to make one myself. I think it is an enjoyable and different way to display your photos!
What could we do differently to improve upon this program’s format or concept? I think the format is very easy to follow, but I would make it more known throughout SBISD. I was told about this program through a co-worker. and if he did not mention he was working on this program I would have never known about it.
If we offered another discovery program like this in the future, would you choose to participate? I love learning new concepts and I would be more than happen to participate in a discovery program.
How would you describe your learning experience in ONE WORD or in ONE SENTENCE, so we could use your words to promote 23 Things learning activities? AWESOME, FUN, EXCITING,INFORMATIVE, and WORTHWHILE!!!

Thing # 22 Nings

Teacher Lingo
This is a great website that teachers can get ideas from other teachers. I found some interesting information on teachers going back to school while still teaching. I will definitely refer back to this website from time to time.

Thing # 21 Podcasts

Wow, making a podcast exactly the way you want it takes so long, but it has been my favorite "thing" so far!!! I worked on this podcast for at least an hour and it only has 6 pictures on it. This podcast shows some of the pictures from my 2007 soccer season at Stratford. Be sure to turn up the volume to listen as you are watching the podcast! Enjoy!
Your classes will have so much fun making these!!!

Thing # 20

Multiplication Facts This is a video for special education on multiplication.

I currently teach special education resource math and this teacher tube is perfect. I still have students that have a hard time with multiplication facts and this video will help them review.

I think youtube is entertaining, but I do not think I would ever use it as an example in my classroom.

Thing # 19 Web 2.0 Awards

What is special about the tool? This tool shows what is the best website out there for specific concepts you may use in your life. I always like to know what websites are a knowledgeable source for me to use.
What are its useful parts, especially with regards to Libraries and school? I think libraries can post these awards and constantly update them so the students know which sites are the best to look at for their studies.
How might you use this tool in your own setting? I will definitely keep this website bookmarked to help me in different aspects of my life. Some of these websites I have never heard of, but now I know they are good to use.

Thing # 18

The major advantage to downloading and using openoffice.org is that it is FREE. It seems like it is the same concept as microsoft office, so that means it is easy to use. Some home laptops and desktops do not come with office already installed and I am sure most people would be open to at least trying openoffice.org since it is free.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Thing # 17 Rollyo

Wow, this would be a great website for anyone to use. I put all my bookmarks in one place, and rollyo made it easier for me to search for them. I think librarians can use this concept for all the classes that are in the library working on a specific project. They can set up ahead of time the favorite websites that each class can use. They can also ask each class to contribute other websites they found helpful to be added to the favorites list.

Thing # 16

· Idea #3: Create a "top 10" lists and supporting material. This could include scientists and their discoveries, top writers and their books, ... you get the idea.
I think this idea would so work for any teacher in any subject area. The teacher can make this into a David Letterman TOP TEN show... the kids would love that concept b/c they know who he is.

· Idea #4: Mission trading cards , once completed, could be added to a class wiki. The idea is fun as well b/c the students can be as creative as possible. They print out the trading cards and post them in the teacher's room.

The wiki stuff is so cool. The students will love either one of these activities!

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Thing # 15

"Others within the profession have asserted that Libraries have always been 2.0: collaborative, customer friendly, and welcoming."
I believe this quote from library2play blog to be correct. I always have felt welcomed into any library I have stepped foot in. The librarians have always been there with a smiling face, helping hand, and desire to be your support system in sometimes a strange place. If they can make technology fun and easier for the students that walk in their doors, I applaud them for their efforts!!!

No offense, but I think the 5 perspectives we were asked to read were over my head. I was more confused than ever after I read them.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Thing # 14

I checked out technorati once again and I still feel there is way too much information in one place. Although it does have a lot of information to offer, it is easy to use. I think students will be able to use this in and outside of their classrooms. If a teacher is working on a specific topic for a project, they can tag all the websites possibly needed for their students. They can then in turn can post those websites on their blog and the students will have all access in one place instead of doing several searches.

Thing # 13 Del.icio.us

I really like this website! I have made del.icio.us a place to save websites my class at school may use for their projects. I will be co-teaching next year, but not quite sure which subject, but it is nice to know I can save certain websites depending on the subject matter. I also like the fact that even when I add more sites I can have my students search for the topic and the websites I have saved will still be there for their use. The buttons on the browser make it great and super easy to use! When I see a website I like, all I have to do is click the button and type a few tags and it's saved! This will be a fabulous resource to use no matter which subject I am teaching!

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Thing # 12 Comments

I have read blogs that friends have. but have not ever left a comment. I think to myself that I do not know what to say, but as I am reading the blog I tend to laugh at some of what they say in their blogs. After reading the ten commandments of blog commenting I feel a little more comfortable and confident about leaving comments.
My favorite commandments are:
1. Smile: I like using emoticons!
2. Humor goes a long way: Making someone laugh is important to me. Knowing I brighten another person's day is fun and exciting!

Thing # 11

I think the Librarything is a great idea if you read a lot. Since I am off during the summers, I tend to read a lot more. This website is useful since you can keep postings of the books you have read and you can even chat with those in your area that read the same kind of books as you. I also liked the fact that this site posts when authors will be available at bookstores across the city. It would be so cool to meet up with Sandra Brown or Stephenie Meyer if one of them came to town.

Thing # 10

I created this soccer jersey just to see my name on the back of a shirt again. I have not played soccer in so long, but I coach soccer now. This program is so awesome, I could be out here all day creating these screens!!!

ImageChef.com Flower Text
Wow, that is so cool! I love to doodle my name and to create this picture with flowers was so awesome!

Thing # 9

The easiest search tool was Google Search Blog. I like the fact that you can be very vague in your search and still find what you are looking for. Blog lines are very similar to Google search, but more specific. Topix was also easy to use since you simply put in the topic you are searching for. I think students will use these search tools the most in their studies.
I think Technorati has too much information on this website. I think the students will bypass this search tool for this reason.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Thing # 8 RSS

* What do you like about RSS and newsreaders? I liked the fact that all the information was in one place instead of having to go from one website to another.
* How do you think you might be able to use this technology in your school or personal life? I will use the google reader to keep up with all the breaking stories in Houston.
* How can libraries use RSS or take advantage of this new technology? Libraries can use RSS to help students keep track of their most visited sites all in one place.

Thing # 7 Google

I found a lot of the Google tools very useful and helpful. The first tool I was most intrigued with was the Google Alert. I like the idea of being reminded of important events by being sent an alert. The Google calendar, as my second tool, will also be very useful to me so I can keep track of all my assignments for the subjects I teach, any meetings I need to attend, and also the time and dates of all my games and practices. I trust this will help me be more organized in all aspects of my life.

Thing # 6 Trading Card

Oh wow, making this trading card was so easy and fun! I wonder where they come up with all these ideas! Michael just graduated from high school and is heading off to USC. He is my favorite cousin and I will miss him!

Thing # 5 Using Flickr

The waters in the Caribbean are so beautiful and clear, it was like I was swimming in a pool, but without the chlorine. The top picture is of the cayman islands where I went snorkeling for the first time. The bottom picture was taken in St. Thomas in the Caribbean.I would love to go to the Eastern Caribbean some day and see the beaches of St. Thomas and Saint Martin! It reminds me of the cruise I went on last summer.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Thing # 3 Avatar

Yahoo! Avatars

How can I become a better teacher?
1. Listening 2. Caring 3. Laughing 4. Communicating 5. Enjoying
I picked this avatar b/c I always enjoy myself in NYC!

Thing # 2

I have found throughout my career that the habit of being a teacher or mentor is the easiest and using technology is the hardest.
I am a teacher and a coach and I feel being a mentor is a must.
Sometimes technology is not always available in all aspects of the school I teach at.